Thursday, December 30, 2010

I dont get it... I just dont get it!!

What is the right way of living. I see 2 categories of people. One who are into meetings friends and people in the society they are staying on a very regular basis, ever ready to help anybody in times of need and sometimes even in times when they are not in need, arranging functions in the society, getting into good names of some and bad names for others. And the other category who stay @ home, not affected with what is happening around them. They will not attend the common society functions and would not like to get "disturbed". The other group which is always looking forward to doing something and ensuring that they know max people around are obviously not spending that much time with their own family than the ones who are all the time only consumed within themselves. But not being social is so darn boring... But then not spending time with your family is not so good as well...
Here many would claim to have a balance in life... It cannot be balanced. There is a new year celebration in the society and you cannot say you are a social animal but afford to stay in house all day long... you would move out and ensure that the function is perfect. but then u ignored ur family and there were people who were merrily sitting at home and spending time with their loved ones. Is it right to sacrifice time for such people. And what about the need of the hour... When such people who dont mingle get into trouble, the other crazy lot still reaches to help them out. Should they? These people dont want to be disturbed, then why now.
I just dont get it what is the right way of living... stay within myself and not be social at all or if i am being social then there would be times when i would not be with my family... is it a right thing to do... are those people who are always within their family better off than us who are more out of house than in house. And if everybody starts staying within themselves, then there would be no society, no fun, no celebrations, no hassi mazaak, no teen pattis, no "just like that" parties.
And whoever says that there needs to be a balance that needs to be maintained, if you have managed to achieve that balance, its fine or else dont give that crap!
Unfortunately i belong to the group who is utterly butterly social and have been able to figure out what is right and wrong in this regard. I need help!



storymaker said...

You probably have picked your choice in the last sentences.
Anyways, there can be different takes on this and would certainly be subjective. My view is going to be obvious. I prefer sticking to family for the following reasons:

1. Most of the people in family look forward to spending time with you. Your kid, your wife... your parents...the good thing is that they will still be nearer to you even if you are far away.... partying. And, that itself makes a reason to be with them. Take care of them, know them, and having fun together.

2. Social parties are like Ho-Ho buses. Hop in-Hop out. You be there or not they will go on.

3. Change is the flavor of life. Reasonable outings beyond family provide a fresh breath of air to you as well as the family. They need a break from rituals of cooking and just being on time. While you can be on a party.

4. Remember that life is never shapeless. It does take its own shape. So, if you learn to enjoy more often at the cost of your family, your family would develop a pattern to deal with it. However, it will pinch tomorrow if you seek shelter with them. Imagine you work without a boss for a year and suddenly somebody occupies that space. It would feel like a space lost and not filled up.

5.I also have a third view than what you have written. Learn spending time with yourself. Find your corner in a day. People who do this are much comfortable in their own skin. They are more capable of contemplating their course of life.

Well, I can write stories on this. Would leave now... Please read Robin Sharma's "Who will cry, when you die." It will be helpful.

Abhinav Singh said...

The question about helping those who dont come to parties.

What i think is that coming to a party is an individual's choice.
There are personality types as you yourself said.

However, to help them in need or not, should not be governed by their 'type'.

If they genuinely need help and one wants to help, then one should.

Also, apart from the party thing, i believe, even if someone needs a help, then both types will come forward.

Balance may mean participating actively in some social gatherings and skipping some for family.

We have to prioritize things at times.

Last but not least, good to see a post by you after a long time. looking forward to more posts.

Serendipity said...

@storymaker: whatever you have said makes sense. it makes perfect sense and to an extent i get a lot of answers to a lot of questions i did not write in this blog, but u seem to have answered them in any case. Thanks. as always, cud not have expected a response like this from anyone else.

@Satyanveshi: I like the word u have used in your comment. you have to prioritize sometimes... This is the word that i guess i was looking for. Thank you as well and hopefully will be writing more and that too soon.

Abhinav Singh said...

@StoryMaker: Your 5th point exactly portraits my current state of mind.

Its been long since i talked to myself.